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The strongest leaders nurture future leaders. The Daniel Hack brand takes this to heart. We are dedicated to raising both money and consciousness for future generations. Join us in making a difference in the lives of youth.


Snap! Raise allows me to give back to my community. My goal is to leave San Diego’s high school sports culture different than I found it. I’m determined to make an impact.


Coaches deserve more time to coach. Players deserve more time to play. Parents deserve more time to cheer. What’s getting in their way? The need to raise money.


Time and money are our most valuable resources. I can give those to you.


Snap! Raise makes a difference by financially supporting local teams. We want you to spend less time on the phone, hustling for money and spend more time on the court, on the field, or in the arena. That’s where you are meant to be. 



The Pathfinders organization believes we are all called to live a big life. We each have the potential to prosper. Being involved in Pathfinders helped awaken this calling inside of me. Building a network of like-minded people and developing my unique skill set allowed me to change my world so that I could make a difference in the lives of others. 


“Awakening marketplace leaders,

visionaries and wealth creators.”

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