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Want to raise your emotional frequency? Everything starts with emotional awareness. By recognizing where you are on the emotional guidance scale, you can take action to CHOOSE a better mindset. Choose gratitude.

Choose change. Choose self-compassion.


The emotional energy we emit forms our reality and attracts people with similar mindsets. If you find yourself at the bottom of the scale, it’s time to step up your game and elevate your life.

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Why do breathwork? Because it reduces stress, enhances positivity, lowers blood pressure and releases trauma and anxiety.


Breathwork is the difference between high performance and mediocracy. Make it part of your daily self-leadership practice. 

"Make it
a great day!"

- Rick Hack


I love sports – beach volleyball, ping pong, and pickleball are my favorites! I also love that sports teach lifelong lessons: Hard work pays off. Know your skillset and own it. Be who you are instead of who you think you are supposed to be. Contribute to a team and be a part of something bigger.  


If we want kids to have strong bodies and strong minds, we must put in the time to mentor them. Your generosity of time helps grow their future potential. 

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